Join Us!

The Harlands Gardens blog is now up and running and what beautiful gardens there are out there! We would love all you gardeners (and non-gardeners too!) in the Penland Community Group to join us and get blogging. Your photos on the WhatsApp group show that many of you have lots of interesting stuff to tell us about your plots, so why not share your photos or comments on our blog.

How do I Join In? If you would like to join the Harlands Bloggers and chat about your garden (or indeed other gardens) here are some easy steps to get started: 
  1. email us at We will then send you an invitation to become an author. 
  2. Set yourself up with a gmail account on Google. 
  3. Go to where you will be asked to choose a username and login. 
  4. Once you have done that you can start posting! 
  5. If you need help just ask (or find a teenager!).

There are no hard and fast rules. Your posts can be as long or as short as you like (although your readers might not get through pages and pages!), be mostly pictures or contain witty text - it's up to you. The one rule is that it must be about gardens and gardening.

Obviously the usual requirements of decency, politeness and consideration apply!

Don't worry if you don't feel that your garden is up to scratch - just post a picture of something you like about it, even if it's just a pot of pansies. Not a writer?  No problem. A photo with a caption will do and if you have not a clue what a plant is, don't worry, somebody else might! The idea is to come together as a community around our gardens.

We look forward to hearing from you!
